7 research outputs found

    DUT Guide on meaningful digital teaching-learning interactions

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    This guide provides eight tips for teachers on planning, developing, conducting, and evaluating online teaching. The guide refers to online teaching as educational interactions made possible by using digital information technology, and it relates, in particular, to active or student-centred approaches to teaching. In addition, the guide emphasises that online teaching is a multi-way process with many interactants, materials, and actions conveying meaning that affects students' sense-making and activities.Digital teaching-learning interactions are never neutral. Rather, they involve a multi-way process with many interactants, motives, materials, and actions affecting students’ sense-making. To make digital interactions meaningful on the students’ part, this guide suggests supporting students’ feelings of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Based on research and experiences from practice, this guide provides six tips for educators on what to consider and how to plan for meaningful digital teaching-learning interactions in higher education

    Kan videregående uddannelser mindske frafald ved hjælp af læringsteknologi? Et systematisk review

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    Denne artikel undersøger to centrale forhold for uddannelseskvalitet, hhv. frafald og læringsteknologi, hvis sammenhæng danske universiteter i stigende grad interesserer sig for. Formålet med undersøgelsen er at afdække, hvorvidt brugen af læringsteknologi kan bidrage til at reducere de studerendes frafald på videregående uddannelser, og under hvilke betingelser? Det sker ved hjælp af et systematisk review af nyere international, peer-reviewed litteratur, der beskriver sammenhængen mellem frafald og læringsteknologi på de videregående uddannelser. Ud af 1.483 fremsøgte referencer levede 10 studier op til kriterierne for inklusion. Resultaterne af denne undersøgelse indikerer, at man ved hjælp af læringsteknologi og en forholdsvis lille indsats i nogle sammenhænge kan fastholde og motivere de studerende til at engagere sig i faget. Samtidig finder vi også, at det ikke er muligt at løse frafaldsproblematikker ved blot at tilføje mere læringsteknologi i uddannelserne

    Technology-enhanced learning on campus: insights from EUNIS e-Learning Task Force

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    In 2010 the EUNIS e-Learning Task Force (ELTF) members collaborated on a review of tools and technologies in use across our member institutions. One of the key features of that paper was the use of technology to give off-campus learners, such as distance learners, those undertaking field studies and learners in the workplace a richly supported learning experience. Building on the success of that collaboration, the ELTF members have turned their attention this year to the use of technology on campus. Whilst technology and distance learning go hand in hand, universities are often slower to take advantage of the possibilities offered by technology to enrich the learning that takes place in our lecture theatres and classrooms. The reasons for this are often cultural as much as financial or technical. Drawing on experience from across the EUNIS member nations we take a look at the types of tools, learning resources and learning activities that are being used to enhance the traditional curriculum, promote deeper learning and bridge the learning that takes place inside and outside the classroom. We look at a range of innovative projects and the benefits they have delivered, ways of overcoming the barriers to technology-enhanced learning on campus and we speculate about the role and function of the campus of the future

    Transformering af traditionel undervisning til e-læring - tre best practices fra go online-projektet ved Aarhus Universitet

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    Go online-projektet havde til formål at udvikle og systematisere tilrettelæggelsen af e-læring ved Aarhus Universitet samt transformere en række kurser til webbaseret læring. Et vigtigt element i projektet var at indsamle erfaringerne fra transformeringen af kurserne med henblik på at inspirere andre undervisere til at bruge webbaseret læring. Som et led i denne promovering blev underviserne for de 3 bedste transformeringer nomineret til titlen som årets e-underviser 2009. Denne artikel beskriver go online-projektet, baggrunden for nomineringen og de 3 bedste transformeringer - "best practices".  Artiklen præsenterer såvel de pædagogiske som tekniske overvejelser vedr. tilrettelæggelsen af kurserne, evalueringsresultater samt juryens bedømmelse. Endvidere identificerer artiklen potentielle barrierer for udvikling af webbaseret læring samt fællestræk for de 3 best practices

    DUT Guide: To Online Teaching

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    This guide provides eight tips for teachers on planning, developing, conducting, and evaluating online teaching. The guide refers to online teaching as educational interactions made possible by using digital information technology, and it relates, in particular, to active or student-centred approaches to teaching. In addition, the guide emphasises that online teaching is a multi-way process with many interactants, materials, and actions conveying meaning that affects students' sense-making and activities